Wil je ook op de hoogte worden gehouden van baby 2.0?

Uiteraard zou ik geen goede marketing automation professional zijn als ik niet op z'n minst een geautomatiseerde nieuwsbrief inclusief communicatie strategy had ontwikkeld voor de geboorte van ons te verwachten kindje. Als je ook graag op de hoogte wilt worden gehouden, vul dan hieronder je email adres in en natuurlijk kan je je ook altijd

By |2014-01-21T22:43:16+01:00January 21st, 2014|General|0 Comments

Tolerance on Ti-Click Classic

The Ti-Click is a fabulous pen made out of high grade Titanium and is truly a piece of art. The pen is suitable for a lot of different refills, according to the website 45+ refills, but to me that also poses a problem. I presume to make the pen suitable for all these different refills

By |2014-01-01T22:03:19+01:00January 1st, 2014|General|3 Comments

Communication strategy newborn

When our daughter Fien was born, I developed a communication strategy which allowed us to inform the entire world with one single email. For our to be expected newborn I redesigned the system. Once a special email is sent it gets published automatically on our family blog (Patriebo), which will also send an automated email

By |2013-11-30T22:42:52+01:00November 30th, 2013|General|0 Comments

Ti-Click Classic Pen Experiences

Yesterday I received my Ti-Click Classic pen and this is definitely not your everyday pen! Well…actually it is going to be my everyday pen, but it is special for sure. The pen is made out of solid Titanium, a precious metal that is used in high-end applications and the design is very nice as you

By |2013-11-20T22:36:14+01:00November 20th, 2013|General|0 Comments
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