House for sale sign

Since we will intensify the salesproces of our house I made this "House for Sale" sign which will be distributed in the area. "Ofcourse" I added a URL which links directly to Funda so possible buyers can immediatly make an appointment with our real estate agent and (because I'm a marketeer) I will also use this

By |2008-10-22T22:37:58+02:00October 22nd, 2008|General|0 Comments


Zo maak je dus tomatensoep. Heel makkelijk :) Tomaten eerst ontvellen (een tijdje in heet water houden). Daarna de tomaten in stukken snijden en samen met de ui, tijm en laurier koken. Als het puree-achtig is geworden zeven en water, bouillon en eventueel slagroom toevoegen.De soep smaakt overigens beter als je het eerst

By |2008-10-16T22:34:46+02:00October 16th, 2008|General|0 Comments

Stoomtrein op Rotterdam CS

Je loopt langs Rotterdam CS en hoort een stoomtrein...eerst denk je dat kan toch niet? Maar na een sprint te hebben getrokken nog snel even een foto gemaakt! This article was posted from my cellphone using Nokia LifeBlog for WordPress.

By |2008-10-22T21:06:42+02:00October 12th, 2008|LifeBlog|5 Comments

A brand new hosting environment!

As of today the majority of my websites is being hosted at It's a bit of a gamble, I read many good reviews, but also many bad. Well up to now, it works great. I got unlimited (really?) webspace and plenty of other nice features.

By |2008-10-01T21:56:14+02:00October 1st, 2008|General|0 Comments
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