Roomba 555 Vacuum Cleaner Review

Please see here our Roomba 555 Robot Vacuum Cleaner dancing on cleaning the table. The Roomba is equiped with a whole array of sensors which prevent it from falling down stairs and crashing hard into walls. To be honest, we bought the Roomba vacuum cleaner as a gadget and I thought it would be just

By |2012-01-15T17:19:21+01:00January 15th, 2012|General|0 Comments

Creatief in de kinderwagen

[exzo url="" title="title"][/exzo]Pappa en mamma zitten lekker te lunchen, dus ik draai me om en ga eens kijken wat er om me heen gebeurd. [This email is sent from a mobile device]

By |2012-01-14T20:48:00+01:00January 14th, 2012|LifeBlog|0 Comments

Lekkende kraan vervangen

[exzo url="" title="title"][/exzo]Ziezo ook weer geregeld. Oude rubber gebasseerde kraandelen vervangen door nieuwe slijtvaste keramische delen. Kan weer 10 jaar mee! [This email is sent from a mobile device]

By |2012-01-14T15:35:02+01:00January 14th, 2012|LifeBlog|1 Comment

Heerlijke lunch

[exzo url="" title="title"][/exzo]Gewoon, omdat ik vandaag vrij ben en dit normaal niet doe. [This email is sent from a mobile device]

By |2012-01-09T13:00:03+01:00January 9th, 2012|LifeBlog|0 Comments
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